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Selectmen's Minutes June 5, 2006

June 5, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fredrick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  See sign-in sheet attached.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.

Children’s Garden

Emma Smith read a letter submitted to the Board of Selectmen and published in the newspaper that stated that the Beautification Committee and Gardeners are withdrawing their proposal for the Children’s Garden at Sunapee harbor.  She asked if the audience had any questions.  

Skip Nolan thanked the Selectmen for their efforts and actions.  Artie Osborne asked what the plans were in the future.  Randy Richards wished to thank the Beautification Committee and Gardners for the efforts in beautifying the harbor area.  He believes that breakdown in communications was the cause of the debate.  He feels that there is no particular fault placed on anyone.  Jo Hill wished to thank the Beautification Committee and Gardners for the many projects they have done to the harbor area.  She asked if there were any regulations for conducting hearings prior to projects being done in the area.  Stephen White explained that the monies spent by the Gardner’s and Committee were not town funds but was money received by donations.  Donna Nashawaty explained the creation of a Trust Fund where the donations were deposited.  Jo Hill stated that she felt there would be fewer problems if the Selectmen held public hearings before any projects were started in the harbor.  S. White stated that this was the intention of the meeting tonight – to hold a public hearing.  S. White read from a statement he wrote.  This is attached to the minutes on file.  The statement explained the process that had occurred.  Emma Smith wished to inform the audience that the statement read by S. White was his opinion and not that of the Board.  Catherine Bushueff presented a petition to the Board which read as follows:  “We the undersigned believe the future of Sunapee’s public open spaces are of great importance to the town, its current and future residents, and its many visitors.  We also understand that there are plans formulated or being formulated that would alter the public park at Sunapee Harbor.  Specifically, this lakeside park is unique to the lake.  The park displays a respectful elegance perhaps established by the placement of a soldier’s memorial and the absence of artificial adornment.  We believe it is critical to preserve and protect the park’s open and natural ambiance.  We respectfully request the Board of Selectmen identify and provide a process, which

Board of Selectmen
July 5, 2006

allows for full, public discussion BEFORE a final decision is made concerning alterations to the park, its use and its interpretation.”  The petition contained 121 signatures and is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  C. Bushueff stated that she is concerned that the residents are kept aware of changes in the harbor.  Susan Parmentor questioned the process of projects that are planned for the harbor.  She stated that she appreciated what the Beautification Committee and Gardner’s were doing but feels the public should be aware of the plans before they are planned and completed.  

Fred Gallup stated that the Board is following the same procedure they always have.  Public input has always been addressed.  Projects are always discussed at a public Selectmen’s meeting.  He stated that tonight was meant to be a public hearing but now is not needed because of the withdrawal of the proposal.  He does not feel that the public was ever left out of the process.

Aaron  Simpson questioned the proposed outdoor lighting as shown in the original plans.  He would like to see the Board receive input  and address covered lighting.  

Ron Verblawu asked the Board if there were any stipulations set on the use of the property.  S. White stated that there were none found after researching the deeds.  William Roach explained how the Town received the property through a tax deed.  He explained the original proposal which did not include any object over the surface of the ground.  The new proposal was brought before the Board and the Board did not approve or disapprove it.  The Board asked that the Beautification Committee and Gardners stake out the property to show what and where the area would be.  N. Clark explained that the changes made to the area were planned to beautify the area.  The Beautification Committee is only trying to save the Town money and make it beautiful.  They received some ideas from young mothers in Sunapee.  They never had the intention of taking anything away from the residents.  The Committee and Gardners have tried to do what the Selectmen have asked.  They never intended to take anything away from anyone.  She feels that the Town needs to have trust in the Committee and Gardners.  The harbor looks lovely but the purpose is not to make people angry.

Sally Gillon stated that when the original plan was proposed, it was not etched in stone.  The Committee and Gardners are open to all changes.  She stressed that the projects do not cost the town.  They are paid for by donations.  S. Gillon said that both groups are open to new members.  The  only public monies that are spent are the funds provided by the Town for flowers annually.  

Terry Summerton stated that she thought the project was a wonderful idea and would improve the harbor.  She wishes that the project would continue.  

David Brown stated that he felt the area was beautiful as is and does not wish to see any large permanent structures.  He feels it will harm the view of the lake.

Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2006

Bill Boyce agreed with D. Brown stating that he would like to see the quaint, small town atmosphere remain.  He feels the project would shrink the area used by the public by other activities.  

Stephen White stated that this is a small amount of money and residents should attend the deliberative budget session to learn where the big money is spent.

Susan Parmentor asked about the proposed necklace lighting that appeared in the original plan for the harbor.  S. Gillon explained that the lights are not on the master plan.  S. Gillon feels that more lighting is needed in the harbor for safety purposes.  Artie Osborne objected saying that the lights glare at night.  He stated that the Committee and Gardners are doing a great job at the harbor but feels that the grassed area is needed for children to play in.  

Jerry Carr stated that he appreciated the efforts of the Committee and Gardners and he did not feel this was the issue.  The only issue is that people are opposed to the location.  He asked what future plans might be.  N. Clark stated that the project is on hold.

Emma Smith read the letter from Gene Hall, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, which said that the project is being withdrawn due to town wide lack of interest.  E. Smith stated that she feels more public communication is needed and this will be addressed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Jerry Carr stated that  he only wanted to see what is in the best interest of Sunapee and asked what is the best way to communicate with the Board of Selectmen.  He also did not like comments made by the Board  with reference to those who were opposed to the project.  

Emma Smith informed the audience that the phone numbers for the Board are published and that the Town Manager’s number is 763-2212.  She stated that if people are concerned, they should pick up their phone and call or send a letter.  The Board is not unapproachable and tries to do the right thing for the Town.  

Rebecca Robinson stated that she felt more communication is needed if plans to change the character of the town are discussed.  She appreciates the flowers planted by the Committee and Gardners but also appreciates open space.  She is also concerned about the proposed necklace of lights and feels it is not needed for safety in the area.  R. Robinson stated that she understood the proposed project would take up two parking spaces.  She feels money is not the concern but people would like to see the area kept as is.  Comment was made that this was the wrong place to put a children’s garden because boats are launched in this area.  R. Verblawu stated that he felt people should become

Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2006

more active in knowing what is happening in their community and stressed that the Planning and Zoning Boards would like to see interested volunteers.  

Artie Osborne stated concern of the area as it has lost 8 feet of green grass.  He also inquired about the sidewalk which was installed.

Stephen White explained that the sidewalk project was included in the budget and that this is a safety issue.  Donna Nashawaty stated that a public hearing was held on the budget and that this item was discussed at that time.

Discussion on the Children’s Garden ended at 7:55 PM.

Swimming in the Harbor

Emma Smith explained that an ordinance disallowing swimming in the harbor area would be enforced.  The fine is $100.00.  The ordinance provides for the safety of everyone.  William Roach related that the ordinance was adopted  June 9, 2003 under Section 8.  He read this section and stated that it is enforceable by the Board of Selectmen and its designees and the Town of Sunapee Police Department or any other police department that has jurisdiction in Sunapee.  Question was raised on dogs swimming at the harbor.  J. Carr recommended that the ordinance be amended to include the ban of dogs swimming there.  W. Roach stated that the ordinance reads “no swimming and no playing.”  He feels this should also cover pets.  David Brown asked about pulling boats in and asked if that would be banned.  He feels the ordinance needs more specific wording.  W. Roach stated that the ordinance allows boaters to get into the water to pull in their boat.  He does not want to see this become an open beach area.  Emma Smith stated that the Board will review the ordinance and would have to have a public hearing to adopt.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she has spoken with the Police Chief and he will be enforcing this and will discourage further violations.  W. Roach stated that the area needs more “No Swimming” signs.  Discussion was held on the swimming limits to the shore of the lake.  Donna Nashawaty explained that each property owner can make their own ban.  Presently it is 100’ from shore.  

Report by William Roach on County

W. Roach stated that he read an article in the Sunday Eagle Times about the Finance Committee meeting recently held.  Only 4 members showed at the meeting and they voted to cut the contract with Genisus for the County Home.  Also he related the raises granted by the County to employees:  7.5% was given to the County Attorney; 18.4% to the Sheriff’s Office; Registrar of Deeds 23.7% and the Commissioners 26.7%.  He is concerned that the Town of Sunapee pays 24% of the County budget and these increases.  The city of Claremont pays 16% of the budget.  David Brown suggested that maybe the high increases were in place because these employees had not received a raise for years.  
Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2006

Helen Sharpenteir explained the contract with Genisus was only for one year and was for consultation.  A meeting is scheduled to discuss continuance on June 17, 2006.  W. Roach added that the next meeting on the County budget will be June 19 at the complex.  Also the next commissioner’s meeting is scheduled for June 20 at 5 Nursing Home Drive.  Richard Leone stated that Sunapee keeps putting in bills to equalize the valuation but these keep getting knocked down.  Sunapee is the highest in apportionment.  Claremont always pays less than Sunapee.  Emma Smith stated that Sunapee pays approximately $2,300,000 in taxes to the county and only receives 2% of their services.  Stephen White added that the Board has been fighting this for 5 years and that this year they plan to become even more active.  

4.  Resignation from Building Committee

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Rick Mastin has resigned from the Building Committee due to other commitments.  Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to accept the resignation with regret.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

At this time, reporter Aaron Aldredge, Eagle Times, asked if the Beautification Committee was suspended from any actions.  Donna Nashawaty replied that if they have further projects, they would come before the Board of Selectmen for their blessings.

Reappointment of Committees

Emma Smith explained that this was to elect what member of the Board would be a representative to certain committees.  Motion was made by Stephen White for the following nominations:  Planning Board – Emma Smith and Frederick Gallup; Crowther Chapel – Emma Smith; Hyrdo – William Roach; Sullivan County Economical Development and Waste Management – Richard Leone; Frederick Gallup – Highway Safety; Building Committee – Stephen White; Lake Sunapee Protective Association – Stephen White.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The motion was carried with Richard Leone abstaining  

Webb Conservation Easement

It was agreed that at the next meeting of the Selectmen held on June 26th and also the meeting of July 17th public hearings will be held to discuss this issue.  Motion was made by Stephen White to hold public hearings as stated on the acquisition of the Webb easement.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2006

Discussion was held on meetings of the Board of Selectmen due to the July 4th holiday.
The meeting posted for July 3rd will be held June 26th.  The next meeting following would be July 17th.  

At this time, Stephen White informed the Board that a car show will be held at Mt. Sunapee on June 25th.  There will be free chair lift rides to the top of the mountain for those that pay to enter.


Emma Smith asked permission to speak with WMTK for monthly interviews to let the public know what is going on in the town.  The Board approved.  Randy Richards stated that the Sunapee Invite is taping meetings and they are available at the Abbott Library.  

Broadband Group

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she has Sunapee actively participating in the obtaining of broadband for the town and surrounding communities.  Meetings are being held and the most important part was to educate the public and get them involved.  

8.  Update Safety Services Building

Donna Nashawaty informed that punch list meetings are being held.  The meetings are as follows:  June 7 – lower level; June 12 – top floor.  It is anticipated that the Fire Department will move in on June 17th and the Police Department on June 24th. D. Nashawaty explained some small problems, which are anticipated, exist but these are being taken care of.  Emma Smith asked when an open house celebration might be held.  D. Nashawaty stated that possibly in mid July after the final pavement.  Frederick Gallup stressed the need to finish the sides of the road and widen the corner.  D. Nashawaty will speak with the Road Agent.  D. Nashawaty reported that approximately $55,000.00 remains in the budget and she feels the project will come within budget.  She is looking into solar lights for the exterior of the building as these do not require underground wiring.  

Report by Richard Leone on NHMA General Government

Richard Leone presented a report to the Selectmen of the actions of the NHMA.  This report is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  

Public Participation

Catherine Bushueff questioned the duties of the Beautification Committee as they relate to the Gardners.  Emma Smith suggested that she ask both the Gardners and the

Board of Selectmen
June 5, 2006

Beautification Committee.  C. Bushueff expressed concern with private groups working on town owned property.  Fred Gallup explained the meeting process to receive input and suggested that these meetings be attended by the public if interested.  He stressed that there is a great sufficiency of information going out to the public presently and that all one has to do is attend the meetings.   Stephen White agreed.  Emma Smith explained that there was no program etched in stone and stressed that those interested should contact the Beautification Committee and Gardners and get involved.  C. Bushueff expressed concern with public relations on the maintenance of the harbor area.  She feels the harbor is critical especially for tourism.  

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                     Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                    Stephen White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                           Richard Leone

Fredericl Gallup